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Up by 3 points going into final end in men's curling. If we win, Canada will have tied the world record for most golds14 years 50 weeks ago
Google Maps has a bunch of new features (click the "New!" link at top). The "What's Around Here?" feature is really cool14 years 50 weeks ago
@januarylark I think Big Rock snuck them in with the beer14 years 50 weeks ago
Hey Plushenko, if you really want to make it a gender issue, Kim Yu-Na skated better than you too. #figureskating #shittalking #irony14 years 50 weeks ago
@scottrking is "shit their pants" your new favourite expression, or what? What happened to fuck your face? That one had legs14 years 51 weeks ago
Predicting next Batman villains from TDK "clues"? Fichtner did seem conspicuous in bit part, and Mr Reese=Mysteries? years 51 weeks ago
Woody Harrelson's new superhero comedy "Defendor" looks decent: years 51 weeks ago
Investment analyst Marc "Doctor Doom" Faber: "Buy farmland and gold" (via @Chris_Staley)14 years 51 weeks ago
@j3r3myjf we have almost as many athletes in top 5 placements as the USA, so that's something. The majority are just ending up 4th or 5th :P14 years 51 weeks ago
Animated GIF which nicely sums up last night's game: years 51 weeks ago
OH: "I want to order as many guns as humanly possible". A little unsettling to hear your boss say this on a monday morning14 years 51 weeks ago
RT @aspirepixel Jaw-dropping photos of the Winter Olympics: LOL @ facial expressions on #13, that is priceless14 years 51 weeks ago
Erin, the last person I knew without a cell phone, finally got one. We're all in shock years 51 weeks ago
@margiemagpie @MikaelLindh @Jilliangora wait... there's a Bob's / Ship schism? What's going on? IS EVERYONE INSANE??14 years 51 weeks ago
Research shows women secretly like scruffy geeks: I KNEW IT! Ladies, I haven't shaved in a week. (via Slashdot)14 years 51 weeks ago
DRM scheme for Assassin's Creed 2 (PC) will require constant net connection just to play. In related news, fuck Ubisoft years 51 weeks ago
@gullage Matthew 27:4614 years 51 weeks ago
@sowrey actually I believe Google created SkyNet which took over some time ago. Energy trading is next logical step. Military contracts next14 years 51 weeks ago
@sowrey I only wish Windows was "dying" ;)14 years 51 weeks ago
Google is now... a wholesale energy trader? (via Slashdot)14 years 51 weeks ago