You are hereFr1st p0st!
Fr1st p0st!
Well, I finally managed to get my blog online. At 3am in a hotel room in Copenhagen, no less. (I wonder if a foreign birth will cause any problems if my blog decides to run for president one day? These are the kinds of things I think about at 3am in hotel rooms in Copenhagen.)
Starting a blog is something I've been thinking about for a while... ever since I discovered, somewhat to my surprise, that I enjoyed posting on Twitter, and even occasionally wanted to write more than 140 characters.
While the minimalist in me actually enjoys the challenge of carving information down to the barest essentials that will fit into a tweet - the whole brevity=soul(wit) thing (see what I did there?) - 140 characters is just too damn limiting for a proper rant, argument or discussion.
So when Dan and Bill (ie, Evans Hunt) were gracious enough to send me to Copenhagen for a Drupal conference, and only asked in return that I provide some sort of regular updates, it seemed like the perfect opportunity.
The blog itself is built, of course, in Drupal. Despite the fact you can build just about anything in Drupal, out-of-the-box it's actually a fairly simple blogging setup. I am just using an off-the-shelf theme for now (Marinelli), but plan on doing a more custom job later. The only real development effort I have put into the blog so far was creating a way to import my entire Twitter and TwitPic history, and automatically import future updates. Because frankly, Twitter and TwitPic suck beyond rational belief when it comes to making your history available in any remotely useful manner. This is me taking back control of my content.
Where are the TwitPics from CPH?
Hey this blog is only a day old, have a little patience! ;)
The conference proper is really just starting today, most of my time until now has been taken up recovering from the tip (ie sleeping), getting this damn blog up and functional, and attending the training seminar yesterday. Not a whole lot of time for sightseeing just yet.
I promise many, many more pics will be coming soon.
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